Monday, July 8, 2013


I took a couple of days off meetings. My usual meetings are Monday-Thursday and Sunday. I took them off because I needed to spend time with my immediate family. My work schedule dictates 4 ten hour days per week and my community service is two days, which only leaves me Sunday to get things done and spend time with the family. I am grateful I am gainfully employed and have my family. I express this at meetings when I share my experiences, strength and hope. There seems to be a pattern emerging at some of the meetings I attend. In multiple instances I am noting men taking care of their wives who have cancer. They are very emotional about it, but seem to be staying sober.

One can really never tell if another is sober or not. I have been in many meetings next to someone who reeks of alcohol, but claims to have a lot of sobriety. I am not taking others inventory just noting how this process of staying sober works. As with any process there are flaws and people who are not completely honest with the program. I was one of those people for a while until I got the message and my obsession to drink was lifted. Ever since my obsession has been lifted little miracles continue to happen and I have no interest in hitting it again. I am grateful for my sobriety.  

“I am grateful for my sobriety” 

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