Tuesday, February 5, 2013


A fresh new day with lots of positive attributes is surrounding me. I am happy and content even though I am facing some major life issues. I have neither worries nor discontent for today’s happenings or future endeavors. I am in the now working on my recovery for the day. My attitude minus gratitude was not like this the last couple of times around sobriety. I could not get out of the future in my thinking and ultimately this lead to relapse which (as one of my counselors pointed out in his wisdom) “happens but doesn’t have to.”

Speaking of counselors my wife joined me for family night at my program and we were introduced to a lot of technical information about addiction and the brain. Much of the information I already knew and my wife was knowledgeable about some of it as well having heard it from another source. The information was broken down rather well into layman’s terms, which I sometimes struggling with doing. After the lecture type documentary that we viewed we processed a “relapse prevention plan” in a group setting. I was honest and forthright with information in terms of sharing and my wife fully participated. Consequently, my wife has been attending Alanon meetings and participating 1-2 times per week. I am happy that she is coming to a better understanding about addiction.

I currently have 562 hours of sobriety and am looking forward to my 30 day chip.
David J

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